Importance Or No Role During The Period Of His Life

What is the importance of primary teeth in children? ((Indicate at least 3 elements)) – What is the order of appearance of teeth when the child?
What are the signs of teething known? (Indicate at least 3 marks) Dental Child: Many people still believed that the teeth are not important and that it existed for a while and then will alter teeth again, so adequate attention even if eroded due to decay and be doomed early, that God Almighty The Almighty did not create the human body, this integration makes it partially has no importance or no role during the period of his life.
The teeth with our children is of great significance and is the basis of permanent teeth, and therefore we must maintain them to remain properly until the end of the period of its existence defined by the Creator Almighty and then changed permanent teeth through the stages of life that the importance of the role of primary teeth summed up as follows: find excellent details * teeth are responsible for maintaining the correct spaces until the emergence of permanent teeth as well as they are responsible for guiding the permanent teeth to their correct positions.
* help in the growth of the face and jaws, as well as affect the longitudinal growth of the face and form.
* help in nutrition and good digestion of food, so chewing good for him.
* Teeth healthy and free from decay to be a healthy environment for the permanent teeth.
That problems that occur Dental deciduous possibly lead to other problems for the permanent teeth, e.g. the following:
* Injuries Dental deciduous headlights can cause disturbances in color, shape or size of the permanent teeth forehand. find more privacy

* teeth headlights remain until the age of 5 to 6 years, but back teeth stay longer perhaps until the age of 10 or 12 years, if these teeth infected caries, This will cause the infection to the rest of the permanent teeth in that period.

To Take Advantage: The Most Important Questions And Their Answers, Which Belong To

Inability to identify the muscles in the body • malfunction dental • irritation and confusion • Weak listening or not • lack of desire to eat • low levels of calcium and vitamin B-12 and folic acid • increasing reliance on parents and therefore advised doctors not to child any of wheat products to ensure that suffering with this disease, God forbid that in the event began. click to see more:

even after the sixth month in eating wheat products different that notes the mother developments eating these products and in the case of the emergence of any of the symptoms preceding must summon a doctor immediately may not be allowed for her child to eat these products containing wheat the rest of his life until the child is not exposed to the problems caused by this disease must be full awareness and care.
They can use some vitamins such as (A, C, and beta-carotene, selenium and zinc to strengthen the immune system and prevent exposure to the disease, as well as B vitamins to maintain the nervous system and the production of energy from food in the body.
Conclusion vitamins essential items in the food it needs the body, which is very necessary for the growth and survival intact is able to carry out its functions and to maintain its vitality, and must supply the body these vitamins through food because the cells are not able to build and configure If decreased vitamins in the body resulted in shortages to many diseases. Amounting degree of risk. Thus treat these diseases depends on the provision of vitamins from the new food. contact here

Includes honey Bees on a group representing most of the most important vitamins known movable and interest for all.
Question Nine: There is no doubt that the food provides the nutrients needed to build strong bodies

Some Of The Treatments Of Eczema

Question: give you and those who are site My question Doctor is about bleaching creams to ravenously I’d like to know what are the best creams, skin whitening for women that I had previously worked peeling of the epidermis a year ago and did not take advantage something of Peel and thank you Doctor answer: better creams is Avalon or cream Beauty.
Question: Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and I’m tired of my hair and my father you the solution.

For More Tips:
I am my hair dry and a few tried many oils, but caused me Hair Dad give me the oil is suitable for my hair long for my hair and not cause the loss my hair because he once few and God gives you and lengthens your age and pay off your fault and an excuse to answer: the best oil to solve your problem is to use coconut oil (oil, coconut) and the use of grain a day of preparation (DAL) Herbal sold in pharmacies.
Question: Hello to Dr Osman possible tips to burn fat and grease and Weight Loss appearance of the rumen? And hide and God gives you great effort p answer: tips are:
1 walk daily for a period of not less than half an hour.
2 mitigation from eating meat and fat and materials fried in oil and sugars, especially white rice, pasta, sugar and pancakes.
3 not eating between meals in any way.

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4 drink at least two cups a day on an empty stomach of water. The reason for the emergence of the rumen is eating too much and sit without movement and concealment must walk and the use of linseed.

A Type Of Glaucoma

A Type Of Glaucoma

Upon infection viral, such as measles or fever parotid and cold, baptizing doctor to follow any side effects up to the optic nerve is responsible for the transfer of images you see the eyes to the brain in the form of electrical impulses, and when an injury of this kind, to swell the tissues of the nerve, and going on nerve fibers defect in the nature of their work, and should be checked If the patient complained nerve blurred vision in one eye suddenly.

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A type of glaucoma “blue water”, affecting children as a form of birth defects. Because of this problem brings the level of pressure in the eye, and can lead to damage to the optic nerve, which could threaten the loss of the ability to vision gradually, and symptoms that can be observed on the child, the abundance of Animal tears from the eyes, and increase the diameter. , and when you are sure of a child congenital, should speed up the treatment to protect the optic nerve, and protect the eyes from getting lazy.
Eyes preterm the high level of health therapy for premature babies (born before the completion of the duration of pregnancy) or underweight, has led to the need for quantities of stimulating oxygen, which may lead to incidence of growth of abnormal blood vessels of the retina.

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Says Dr. Victor Saladin, a specialist (a) Ophthalmology, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons eyes (London), this abnormal growth has balls of bleeding retina or the vitreous body, may also lead to cases late to schizophrenia retina, and this may lead to the loss of vision in one or both eyes. Said:
“That’s inevitable follow-up baby according to a specific timetable during which the expansion of pupil eyes and see the retina known to influence early on, and when you get to know any impressive start to the emergence of new blood vessels is the treatment of the retina by laser, as it is in advanced cases and rare may be required surgical intervention in order to correct schizophrenia retina, and we can say that careful follow-up and early treatment is the key to success, though the vast majority of cases, do not need any kind of treatment. “

How Do I Deal With Infected Person

Herpes is a viral disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes. And is characterized by the appearance of vesicles Water clustered on the surface of the red of the affected skin or mucous membrane of the infected, turning later to the rash watery purulent, and after several days ulcerate causing painful last for a week and then heal without leaving traces of scar on the surface of the skin. Feels the infected person before the onset of disease introductions certain is itching at the site of injury or soreness or redness of the skin 24 hours before the rash appears in the majority of patients. visit home page
Two types of herpes * In an interview with the «Middle East» explains, a consultant and head of dermatologists at King Fahd in Jeddah that herpes two types: herpes, which infects the upper part of the body and often the region of the lips and mouth and is caused by the herpes virus. No. 1. Herpes, which affects the lower part of the body and often genital area or anus, this happens because of the herpes virus. No. 2. The infection occurs herpes as a result of contact between a healthy person and another who is infected, whether through kissing or sexual intercourse or touching the skin, such as a child while playing with through the mother or the father.  about us here

When you get the infection the virus is transmitted through the skin to the nerves were live virus in the ganglion nerve feed the affected skin area. When you get certain factors out of the node nerve to the skin, causing the onset of illness. as must the child goes to school until the end of the infection and it happens usually after about six to seven days from the start of the rash When dry pimples and disappear rind sores, but you do not have the survival of the child at home to fall crust whole it may take two weeks

People Suffering From Tonsillitis

Suffering From Tonsillitis

Well as using honey bees you can cure hoarseness that taking two tablespoons of honey and dissolved in water to a boil over low heat until consists of steam and inhale through the mouth with Gargle with water dissolved the honey and a pinch of salt in three days at the most lost hoarseness. can also treat tonsillitis using onions as placed poultice onions heated around the neck and above the throat with a gurgling juice, onion, honey genitive equally three times a day. Yeast Infection
That a lot of people suffering from tonsillitis, and the situation is different from one person to another by the body’s immunity and susceptibility to acquire the disease.
And natural things and very helpful to raise the efficiency of the immune system of honey bees with Nigella sativa, which made it clear that the outcome of the amazing in it, and the method used is as follows: mixed kg of honey bees with two tablespoons of cumin, and taken from this mixture a teaspoon in the morning and evening. Has also proved that eating garlic and onions leads to strengthen the immune system, as well as flower, where the boil and drink directly. contact here

And also daisy flower (glandular) is boiled and drink; to strengthen the immune system, which in turn reduces the very repetition of colds and tonsillitis. can also take advantage of the honey bee with warm milk or lemon juice in the treatment of the roles of the cold and bronchitis, and that taking into account the rest for two or three days.
To represent what by cupping The installment treat tonsillitis taken straight Indian (when Attar) and then boiled until yellow water and then if he cannot gurgling baby put some points in the nose, a Recumbent until it reaches the tonsils Income peace be upon him on Aisha and then boy dripped blood 0 said

Vaginal Secretions In Women

Vaginal Secretions In Women

Cause inflammation and treatment: no treatment, but the treatment is only one It is certain pills and if the treatment by the woman and was hit again in the same germ has not been treated with Type II and III of the infections fungi found in the vagina by nature but be latent (non-injurious, or in other words, peaceful) but when an imbalance in hormones weaken in the vagina and the start of this fungus non-natural excretion What if things that can disturb the hormone? Many things, including: 1 – Case severe psychological 2 – Dieting 3 – before or after the session, as I mentioned earlier, and the time of ovulation 4 – Exercise or extreme fatigue 5 – Lack of sleep Type II: bacterial (her many) symptoms 1 – Rubbing 2 – The smell of 3 – Be like milk color and form 4 – is not sticky but liquid Third Kind instinctive symptoms the same type II, but the color is yellow or green and be with the increased inflammation, such as conglomerates cheese These two types are not will gain from abroad,  Intro to Linda Allen

such as type I (germ pools), but as I mentioned is latent in the vagina and raised the lack of the hormone and the weakness of the cells anti them numerous treatments: 1 – Suppositories there are uses for 3 days and some of them for a period of 6 days, 2 – pills but expensive 3 – Creams or ointments 4 – Also recently swabs such as wipes medical use in treatment 5 – A natural way may be useful somehow put the amount of water and add two tablespoons of vinegar and sit them for a while this for two prevention is better than cure 1 – Not to wear tight clothing (non-cottons) 2 – Do not use petroleum jelly (in the vagina) 3 – Do not use lye or douching stuff that smells sends a final note: he forgot of natural descent of almost 4 ml of secretions through 24 hours if increased this amount they are unnatural.

Recipes For Natural Treatment

Natural Treatment

2 cups boiling water. – 2 teaspoon dried thyme. – 1 teaspoon Rosemary dried. – 1 teaspoon dried. Preparation and use: Pour boiling water over the herbs and cover the pot for 20 minutes to get drenched center NATIONAL then liquidated and used Lye vaginal. Repeat the work of this lye twice daily. (4) Treatment of vagina garlic: most cases of vaginal be accompanied by itching or, garlic helps to relieve this complaint embarrassing. Mash 6 cloves of garlic and in boiling water for 20 minutes and then used a tea (soaked) output after filtered Lye of the vagina, this helps lye in mitigating itching and resistance to infection of the vagina in its different forms.  Yeast Infection No More Review

(5) Honey and vinegar: add a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water and taken like this drink a day every morning. (6) Vinegar: works Vaginal shower with water and vinegar (2 tbsp. of vinegar added to the liter of warm water). Where leads vinegar to increase the acidity of the vagina and thus increase its resistance to infection. (7) Abu dagger (plant dead poultry): drink tea (infusion) of this grass is also used in rinse the vagina, where it acts as a natural for many kinds of microbes, including fungal infection and yeasts. (8) Mulberry leaves Black: taking tea from the leaves of the trees of black berries, where it helps to resist fungal infection also useful in the treatment of inflammation of the urinary bladder and hemorrhoids. (9) Chamomile: using emulsion flowers from the outside of the lotion vaginal treatment of vaginal secretions white or stinking and works by emulsion tablespoon per liter of hot water (preferably not reach the temperature to the boiling point) means knowledge. Then filtered after five minutes of use. (10) Soft (its goals): deal with vaginal discharge white evaporate into the vagina smoke leaves scorched. (11) Vaginal infection: I wear cotton underwear and avoid tight pants narrow: – Eased clothes during sleep.

Damage To The Antibiotic


German doctors warn against the overuse of antibiotics, even though antibiotics have saved the lives of many people from death due to infection-borne bacteria, doctors warn that excessive intake of antibiotics may lead to the development of bacterial resistance to them. Addresses the majority of people, whether antibiotics this was in the form of tablets or syrup or ointment to combat infections caused by bacteria. Although serious diseases such as tuberculosis or cholera, which were lethal to humans for hundreds of years is no longer a threat that was posed in the past, but that in many cases patients do not use antibiotics appropriately. In this context, says of the Association of Pharmacists German based in Berlin that diseases classic that is the use of antibiotics against it is a bladder infection and inflammation of the tonsils. adds expert medical German saying that antibiotics are used to prevent the growth of bacteria and its transition from the bladder to the kidneys, pointing out that rarely occur because the side effects of antibiotics, “body friendly”, except that it may be harmful intestinal bacteria, Yeast Infection No More Scam Or Not

which may lead to the occurrence of diarrhea in some people, in addition to it may cause skin sensitization if they were used in the form of an ointment for a long time. Doctors warn of the danger of alcohol consumption during the use of antibiotics. Development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, and because of the widespread use of antibiotics, some bacteria have developed resistance to antibiotics. No longer can treat these bacteria traditional medicines such as antibiotics wide area. To prevent bacteria from becoming resistant to antibiotics, it can only get antibiotics, according to a doctor’s prescription in most states. If patients stop taking antibiotics after a short time because they feel better, it may not kill all the bacteria. Strongly advises that patients continue taking medication according to the duration of which are suggested by the doctor. And that it will prevent some bacteria survive treatment and gaining resistance to antibiotics for animation. Most people are still not fully aware that antibiotics are not effective against the virus as it cannot be used for the treatment of the common cold

Tract Infections Child

Tract Infections Child

And often function normally functions but more prone to problems later in life. This defect found in 1 of every 500 births. – Glomerulonephritis Is an inflammation of the glomeruli, and parts of the filtering units (nephrons) in the kidneys, which contains a network of capillaries (tiny blood vessels)? The most common form is glomerulonephritis in post-ganglionic, which usually occurs in young children in the wake of the bacterium throat injury. Most children with this type of nephritis recover fully, but there can be very few are exposed to some complications such as kidney failure, which requires dialysis or eventually a kidney transplant. – High blood pressure (hypertension) Produced when the kidneys weaken due to illness. Kidney regulates pressure by regulating the amount of salt in the body and produce the enzyme renin, along with other materials, and the organization of the constriction of muscle cells in the walls of blood vessels. – Urinary Tract Infections By intestinal bacteria, such as E.

Yeast Infection No More Review By Linda Allen

coli, which are commonly found in the feces. And these bacteria can cause infections anywhere in the urinary tract, including the kidneys. Most urinary tract infections occur in the lower urinary tract, the bladder and the urethra. UTIs occur in both boys and girls. However, the male is circumcised about 3 to 12 times more likely than males circumcised the incidence of urinary tract infection before the first year. , and girls are more prone to urinary tract infection than boys, and this may be because the urethra is shorter than the boys. – Flashback -ureteric And the urine flow (and this is normal) back from the bladder to the ureter. Possibly up to the kidneys, where infection can occur over time. Flashbacks this happens in 1% of children, and can be in some families. And disclosed in many cases when it comes toddler and has a first urinary tract infection. Most kids outgrow mild forms of it, but can develop into kidney damage and kidney failure later in life. – Tumor or kidney cancer The most common in children. And most cases are diagnosed usually between 2 and 5 years of age, and affects males and females alike